Thursday, May 18, 2023

For the record, I update the list frequently (you can see the datestamp on that). It's been awhile, though, and just as a note, Disney has started rereleasing some non-canon Legends titles as "Essential Legends Collection" audiobooks. Most of the newer titles are the same recordings, and they've just rebranded the recently-unabridged Thrawn Trilogy under the new banner, but there are few, like Shatterpoint (a meh title), Rogue Squadron, and Wedge's Gamble that are new, unabridged recordings (the latter two have never been released unabridged, so that's particularly exciting).

Also: be sure to see if they have these titles at your local library before you fork over real dough for them! Overdrive has pretty much everything released in the last two decades or so, and if your library has subscribed to those titles, you can listen to them for free, usually via whatever method you like!

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions or notice I've got something wrong below!

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